Preschool Development Grant-Renewal Birth Through Five

Grant Overview

The Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five seeks to support states in their efforts to analyze the landscape of their early learning and care (ELC) mixed delivery system and implement changes to the system that maximize availability of high-quality ELC options for high-impact families; streamline administrative infrastructure; improve state-level early learning and care funding efficiencies; and improve the quality of care.  

The Preschool Development Grant Renewal (PDG-R) is a three year grant period. The project start date was December 31, 2019 and is scheduled to end on December 31, 2022. The grant awards $13.4 million per year, $40.2 million total.

As part of the PDG-R, regional hubs coordination, Child Care Resource Center (CCRC) serves as a coordinator and facilitator of training, resources, and shared planning to maximize efficiencies and collaboration within each region to support efforts to share information and resources and further identify challenges and opportunities to strengthen transitions in the ELC system to better support children’s development, family engagement, and community connection.

Post Pandemic- Transitoning from the Pandemic

TK and Parent Advocacy

Transitions from Preschool/TK to K-12 System

Child Care Needs Across Lifespan


Special Needs and Child Care - Spanish

Special Needs and Child Care - English

Equity and Child Care - Bilingual

Mental Health Services - Feedback Session Testimonial

Grant Components

CCRC - Lead Agency

Build Regional Relationships

Child care resource and referral agencies are crucial infrastructure for families and child care providers in every county in California. As part of the regional hubs coordination, CCRC will work directly with Regional Hub Leadership to build regional partnerships to ensure that resource and referral services are included in planning at the regional and local level for child care services. The goal of regional coordination is to build relationships across the 11 regions and coordinate and support consistent R&R messaging at every level of planning.

Development of Partnerships with Quality Counts California

Quality Counts California works at the regional level to plan their quality support work for child care providers. CCRC will support Regional R&R Hubs in building partnerships around California on the delivery of Early Childhood and Parent Café Services. Through these partnerships, the Regional Hubs will build longer term relationships with QCC partners and have the opportunity to engage R&R services as part of Regional QCC planning.

CCRC will support Regional Hub Leadership and their development of relationships with QCC Regional Leadership, and help identify opportunities to use the Regional Hub Structure to coordinate and deliver services. CCRC will also work directly with statewide QCC Leadership to engage and educate around R&R services.

Development of Tribal Partnerships

CCRC will develop partnerships with state level representatives of the Tribal Alliance California Health and Human Services Agency to leverage Parent and Early Childhood Café work with tribal groups in California.

CCRC will work directly with Regional Hub Leadership to build regional partnerships with their Tribal Representatives to deliver Parent and Early Childhood Café services and identify additional opportunities to use the Regional Hub Structure to coordinate and deliver services.

Parent & Caregiver Cafés

Through PDG-R funding, R&R agencies have been working together to strengthen their relationships with parents and caregivers in their communities. The Café experience gives participants the tools needed to increase family strength and resilience by providing an opportunity for parents and caregivers to come together to engage in meaningful, reflective conversations that promote collaboration, peer to peer engagement and empowerment. Cafés focus on different topics and themes that give parents the space and time to discuss and share their lived experiences.

During the Café experience, participants:

  • Gain knowledge on the Strengthening Families’ 5 Protective Factors;

  • Engage in conversations based on various café questions crafted from various curriculums and resources;

  • Make connections and form relationships with other parents and peers through interactive discussion questions.

The CCRC curriculum team has taken various training curriculum content and created café themes and conversation questions to direct participants in discussions around the intended content. Café facilitators from R&Rs across California are trained on the curriculum and café topics and are given the tools to support their participants with information and resources pertaining to the content.

Cafés have been created for specific groups such as parents, family friends and neighbors, family child care providers and Home Visitors. Café materials are available in English, Spanish and Chinese.

Year 1: Be Strong Families Vitality Cafés: A Healthy Family Is A Strong Family

Vitality Café Themes:

  • Physical

  • Mental & Emotional

  • Spiritual

  • Financial

  • Environmental

  • Social

Year 2: Zero to Three: The Growing Brain

Café Themes:

  • Social Emotional Development

  • Understanding Behavior

  • Everyday Play

  • Communication & Language Development

Year 3: American Psychological Association: ACT Raising Safe Kids

Café Themes:

  • American Psychological Association’s Raising Safe Kids

  • Building Safe & Strong Families (in development available in 2022)

Parent & Caregiver Café Evaluation

CCRC Research team is conducting an ongoing evaluation of the PDG-R Cafés to document the implementation of the cafés across the state and to capture the full story of the benefits of cafés for parents, families, providers, and communities. In addition to being a grant requirement, data collected will be used to help improve future programs, track scheduling and completing of cafés, track attendance, and help to advocate for future program funding.

Information Collected

  • Café implementation (café logistics, topics covered)

  • Impact of cafés on participants (building protective factors and social connections, and connect to resources)

  • Number and characteristics of café participants

  • Café facilitators’ experience

Community Outreach & Messaging Support

The Communications team will provide individualized technical assistance, training and support to R&R agencies to improve community outreach and messaging (i.e., social media, website, design, marketing, and outreach). Along with the design, development and production of video testimonials, the team will collaborate with Research staff to develop, implement and evaluate Parent Feedback Sessions.

Marketing & Communication Suggested Topics of Interest

  • Translation of PDG-R Materials

  • Mass Messaging

  • Marketing Design Tips & Tricks

  • Videography for Testimonials

  • Canva Purchase

  • Canva Training

  • Social Media Content

  • Fundamentals of Digital Marketing

  • Social Media Platforms

  • Basics of Social Media Marketing

  • Getting Staff & Leadership on Board with Social Media

Parent Feedback Sessions

CCRC teams collaborate on the implementation (Communications team) and evaluation (Research team) of the Parent Feedback Sessions. A minimum of five sessions are held each year on a variety of topics.

CCRC will coordinate these feedback sessions to collect information from a broad representation of parents and caregivers. These small group sessions afford attendees a safe space to discuss family needs, availability of services, and areas where services are either not available or not meeting family needs.


  • Bi-directional pathways to engage parents

  • Ensure representation across geographic regions (including urban, suburban and rural)

  • Meet parents where they are: convene virtually and in-person

  • Serve as peer-to-peer network to develop parent leadership and advocacy skills

  • Engage tribes, linguistically diverse groups, and parents experiencing trauma

  • Gather feedback on the B-5 system, inform system reform efforts to meet family needs, and provide input to Early Childhood Policy Council Parent Advisory Committee (ECPC PAC)

Parent Feedback Sessions

CCRC teams collaborate on the implementation (Communications team) and evaluation (Research team) of the Parent Feedback Sessions. A minimum of five sessions are held each year on a variety of topics.

CCRC will coordinate these feedback sessions to collect information from a broad representation of parents and caregivers. These small group sessions afford attendees a safe space to discuss family needs, availability of services, and areas where services are either not available or not meeting family needs.

Sample of Topics

  • Child Care Decision Making

  • Impact of COVID-19 on Families

  • Equity in Child Care Access

  • Child Care Decision-Making for Children with Special Needs

  • Understanding of IDEA, Screening, Assessment, etc.

  • Awareness and Use of Tools to Find Child Care and Resources

  • Transitions from Pre-K to K-12

  • Informing Online Professional Development Content

  • Feedback on Free Tools for Parents (e.g., VROOM) That Reinforce Positive Parenting Practices

Parent Outreach

CCRC is required to have a minimum of five feedback sessions per year. The Communications team, specifically the Community Engagement Facilitator, will be recruiting for parents/participants who have attend Parent Cafés (presently or in the past) or who are receiving some type of service through an R&R agency (e.g., subsidized child care).

Outreach for feedback sessions is conducted by the Community Engagement Facilitator and may be done in one of the following ways: by personally attending PDG-R Parent Cafés hosted by R&R’s and sharing session details with parents OR by directly requesting a list of interested participants from the hub leads and/or café host. Based on sensitivity of these topics and how specific they may be at times, we may request a group of parents that matches certain criteria.

Please refer to Grant Components-Hub (Parent Outreach for Parent Feedback Sessions) for more details about Parent Feedback Sessions and the Hub Leads role.

Once the Community Engagement Facilitator is connected to participants a meet and greet, via phone, is scheduled. During the call participants are given session details, parent criteria, and their availability/schedule is discussed. Topic and questions are provided to participants before session takes place.

Parent Testimonials

CCRC’s Communications team will design, develop and produce digital testimonials that provide feedback to administrators and policymakers. The videos reflect topics and issues important to improve early learning systems and processes. They also give parents an opportunity to share their voice and lived experiences. Our goal is to ensure parent voices are elevated at the most important times, about the most critical topics.Testimonial topics are selected based on discussions held in the Parent Feedback Sessions and input from key stakeholders, Parent Café Facilitators, caregivers and community members. We welcome you to share your ideas for topics and referrals for parents to share their stories. Video testimonials are currently produced in English and Spanish.


The feedback sessions provide a safe space for parents and caregivers to come together to engage in meaningful, reflective conversations as we discuss sensitive and important topics. These feedback sessions give parents an opportunity to voice their issues, concerns, lived experiences and to inform state agencies such as Quality Counts (state QRIS), superintendents association, etc., to make improvements in our early learning systems.

The Communications and Research teams design and develop the questions and format of the sessions. Families are welcomed and an engaging activity starts off our session. Communications facilitates the session, while Research takes notes to capture the entire session. At the end of each session families are provided with resources and different types of incentives for the family to enjoy. A survey is also sent out for participants to complete.

Parent Feedback Session Evaluation

HUB and R&R expertise in communities is vital to the success of the Parent Feedback Sessions. Knowledge of parent’s lived experiences is at the community level and we rely on this to recruit parents with lived experience who can speak to the topics described above.

The Research team participates in the sessions by developing session questions relevant to the topic, developing survey questions, attending the sessions, analyzing the qualitative data and developing reports. Each of these steps is vetted by people with lived experience in the topic to ensure recommendations are relevant and effective.

The Research team then engages with internal and external stakeholders, advocates and policy makers to elevate the voice of parents.

Hub Role

PDG-R represents a unique partnership between the 10 designated R&R HUB agencies and the State of California. PDG-R is designed to provide a service to the public by:

  • Increasing the amount of trained professionals at local R&R agencies that can host Parent Café trainings designed to provide parents with information around engaging in responsive relations with their children and understanding developmental milestones.

  • Designing early childhood cafes model to include home visitors, family, friend and neighbor, and family child care providers.

  • Expanding Parent Café model to include additional content including Zero to Three: The Growing Brain; and American Psychological Association: ACT Raising Safe Kids.

The HUB Agency agrees to implement the following activities and provision of the services below,which includes, but is not limited to:

  • Send representatives to Train the Trainer (TOT) Parent Café’s (PC) Learning Institutes with CCRC;

  • Schedule, conduct, and support Parent Café trainings which will include Zero to Three: Growing Brain and ACT: Raising Safe Kids to designated Resource & Referral agencies within their HUB;

  • Maintain a calendar for local Resource & Referral training dates, including sites, dates and times;

  • Utilize tracking mechanism and support participant data collection;

  • Participate in Community of Practice (COP) sessions at least quarterly with PDG R Lead HUB agencies and CCRC.

  • Facilitate Community of Practice (COP) sessions at least quarterly to support the implementation of TOT PC training and outreach to local Resource & Referral.

  • Prepare periodic reports of activities as requested by Lead Agency

  • Will work with the lead agency to develop regional relationships with Quality Counts Regions, Tribal Groups and CCSEA partners to expand regional R&R partnerships. HUB Agency will also work with the lead agency on strategy to develop a regional infrastructure for coordination and delivery of early childhood services through these partnerships.

  • Will work with lead agency to support with parent outreach for Parent Feedback Sessions.Please reference next section for further details.

Parent Feedback Session Parent Outreach

CCRC is required to coordinate and facilitate a minimum of five feedback sessions per year. CCRC will coordinate these feedback sessions to collect information from a broad representation of parents and caregivers. These small group sessions afford attendees a safe space to discuss family needs, availability of services, and areas where services are either not available or not meeting family needs.


  • Bi-directional pathways to engage parents

  • Ensure representation across geographic regions (including urban, suburban and rural)

  • Meet parents where they are: convene virtually and in-person

  • Serve as peer-to-peer network to develop parent leadership and advocacy skills

  • Engage tribes, linguistically diverse groups, and parents experiencing trauma

  • Gather feedback on the B-5 system, inform system reform efforts to meet family needs, and provide input to Early Childhood Policy Council Parent Advisory Committee (ECPC PAC)

CCRC would like a consistent feedback group that represents the state. To be more consistent and have state representation, CCRC would ideally like each HUB to select five caregivers/ parents from their agency, that have attended a café currently or in the past and/ or a parent that receives some type of service from your agency (ex: subsidize child care). CCRC will select participants from the list of caregivers/ parents each agency provides.

We would like each Hub to select five parents that meet characteristics from the list below:

  • Caregivers (male and female)

  • Caregivers of children (0-5)

  • Caregivers of infants and toddlers (0-2)

  • Caregivers of children with special needs

  • Caregivers with experience navigating social safety net

  • Providers (Center-based, Family Child Care Centers, and FFN)

  • Diversity in races/ethnicity

  • Diversity in location (rural, urban, suburban, and exurban)

  • Various family structures (foster/adopted parents, grandparents/aunts/family as primary caregiver, etc.)

  • Multiple languages spoken

Parents can have one or more of the listed characteristics. However, we ask that all characteristics to be met within the list of five participants.

CCRC will support Hub leads in the following ways:

  • Serve as the Fiscal Agent disbursing CHHSA contract funds to HUB Agency according to the terms outlined in Lead Agency’s Prime Contract Agreement;

  • Design and distribute data collection tools for HUB Agencies to collect evaluation data; analyze information provided by all participating HUB Agencies; complete final evaluation report and submit to CHHSA;

  • Supporting the collaboration between the HUB Leads and the local R&Rs throughout the state to convene Parent Cafés to connect families to each other and to build community, peer sharing experiences and knowledge development.

  • Provide Augmented funding

Augmented funding will support:

  • Enhancing partnership with Local R&R agencies in their region

  • Build out of regional partnerships with Regional QCC and other regional partners in their region working on child care and ECE.

  • Participate and implement the Community of Practice working on strengthening regional hubs.

Individual R&R Agencies

PDG-R is designed to increase the amount of Parent Café trainings that local R&R agencies host to provide parents with information around engaging in responsive relations with their children and understanding developmental milestones using the Preschool Development Grant-Renewal(PDG-R) curriculum and model.

Each agency is to be paid $2,400.00 per Parent Café Training. If funds become available, Agencies can request additional funding to conduct more Parent Café Trainings.

The local R&R’s agree to implement the following activities and provision of the services below, which includes, but is not limited to:

  • Schedule and conduct at least one Parent Café to parents within their service area;

  • Maintain and submit a calendar for local Resource & Referral training date(s), including site(s), date(s) and time(s) to HUB Lead Agency;

  • Utilize tracking mechanism for workshop participants, submit facilitator feedback, and distribute evaluation data collection tools;

  • Prepare periodic reports of activities as requested by Lead Agency;

  • Participate in Community of Practice (COP) sessions at least quarterly as requested by HUB Lead Agency;

  • Allow HUB Lead Agency designated staff to observe a Parent Café for reporting and evaluation purposes.

CCRC will Support local R&R Agency’s in the following ways:

  • Serve as the Fiscal Agent disbursing CHHSA contract funds to Agency according to the terms outlined in Lead Agency’s Prime Contract Agreement;

  • Design and distribute data collection tools for Agencies to collect evaluation data; analyze information provided by all participating Agencies; complete final evaluation report and submit to CHHSA;

  • Support the Agency throughout the HUB Lead Agency’s region to convene Parent Cafésto connect families to each other and to build community, peer sharing experiences and knowledge of child development.

PDG-R Contract Deliverables: R&R Agencies

Support the development of Regional R&R Hubs to convene PDG Parent Cafés

Design Early Childhood (EC) Cafés model to increase home visitors (HV), family, friend and neighbor (FFN) and family child care providers (FCC) implementation

Expand Parent Café model to include additional content including Zero to Three: The Growing Brain; and American Psychological Association: ACT Raising Safe Kids.

Design and implement Parent Feedback Sessions (Parent Consortia)

Develop consistent messaging across the state

Collect data from R&R agencies for evaluation and continuous quality improvement purposes

Lead Agency

Executive Director

Community Child Care Council of Sonoma County

Melanie Dodson | 707-544-3077

PDG Contact

Community Child Care Council of Sonoma County

Lorie Siebler, Child Care Resource Dept. Director

Sandra Lemus, Parent Engagement Coordinator

Primary Contact

Del Norte Child Care Council

Melodee Mitchell | 707-464-8311

PDG Contact

Del Norte Child Care Council

Sarah Noll | 707-951-8604

Primary Contact

Changing Tides Family Services

Kerry Venegas | 707-444-8293

PDG Contact

Changing Tides Family Services

Amanda Steibach

Primary Contact

North Coast Opportunities

Teri Sedrick | 707-263-4688 x 410

PDG Contact

North Coast Opportunities

Jamie Castaldo | 707-994-4018

Primary Contact

North Coast Opportunities

Teri Sedrick | 707-263-4688 x 410

PDG Contact

North Coast Opportunities

Jamie Castaldo | 707-994-4018

Primary Contact

River to Coast Children’s Services

Donna Roper | 707-869-3613 x 105

PDG Contact

River to Coast Children’s Services

Elaina Boyce | 707-869-3613 x 104

Soledad Figueroa | 707-869-3613 x 111

Lead Agency

Executive Director

Valley Oak Children’s Services

Karen Marlatt | 530-899-4949

PDG Contact

Valley Oak Children’s Services

Svetlana Stockdale, R&R Manager

Socorro Gutierrez

Primary Contact

Siskiyou Child Care Council, Inc

Mike Michelon | 530-938-2748

PDG Contact

Siskiyou Child Care Council, Inc

Mike Michelon | 530-938-2748

Primary Contact

Training, Employment and Community Help, Inc.

Carol Madison | 530-233-5437

PDG Contact

Training, Employment and Community Help, Inc.

Tammy Urban | 530-233-5437

Primary Contact

Human Response Network

Sheri White | 530-623-2024

PDG Contact

Human Response Network

Mary Haugen | 530-739-8389

Primary Contact

Shasta County Office of Education

Cassy Leggett | 530-225-0353

PDG Contact

Shasta County Office of Education

Michelle Mills

Michelle Larsen

Primary Contact

Lassen County Office of Education Child and Family Resources

Melissa Rojas | 530-257-9781

PDG Contact

Lassen County Office of Education Child and Family Resources

Melissa Rojas | 530-260-2530

Primary Contact

Tehama/Shasta County Office of Education Child Care Referral & Education

Cassy Leggett | 530-225-0353

PDG Contact

Tehama/Shasta County Office of Education Child Care Referral & Education

Yeni Martinez

Primary Contact

Plumas Rural Services

Debbie Guy | 530-283-4453

PDG Contact

Plumas Rural Services

Debbie Guy | 530-283-4453

Primary Contact

Glenn County Office of Education Child & Family Services

Carolina Ruiz | 530-865-1118

PDG Contact

Glenn County Office of Education Child & Family Services

Carolina Ruiz | 530-865-1118

Primary Contact

Colusa County Office of Education

Vicki Markss | 530-458-0350

PDG Contact

Colusa County Office of Education

Dolores Gomez | 530-458-0350

Lead Agency

Executive Director

Placer County Office of Education

Darcy Roenspie, Program Administrator

PDG Contact

Placer County Office of Education

Regina Swaney

Primary Contact

Children's Home Society of California

Diane Jasso | 714-712-7806

PDG Contact

Children's Home Society of California

Joy Hans | 530-671-8553

Janelle McKenney | 530-645-6269

Primary Contact

Sierra Nevada Children’s Services

Lourdes Vose | 530-272-8866

PDG Contact

Sierra Nevada Children’s Services

Lourdes Vose | 530-272-8866 x 217

Primary Contact

Children’s Home Society of California

Diane Jasso | 714-712-7806

PDG Contact

Children’s Home Society of California

Joy Hans | 530-671-8553

Janelle McKenney | 530-645-6269

Primary Contact

Children’s Home Society of California

Diane Jasso | 714-712-7806

Yolo County Children’s Alliance


PDG Contact

Children’s Home Society of California

Joy Hans | 530-671-8553

Janelle McKenney | 530-645-6269

Primary Contact

Catalyst Community

Jennifer Lawrence | 530-676-0707

PDG Contact

Catalyst Community

Jennifer Lawrence | 530-676-0707

Primary Contact

Child Action, Inc.

Tracey Strack | 916-369-3320

PDG Contact

Child Action, Inc.

Edie Gutierrez

Primary Contact

Catalyst Community

Jennifer Lawrence | 530-676-0707

PDG Contact

Catalyst Community

Jennifer Lawrence | 530-676-0707

Lead Agency

Executive Director


Kym Johnson | 510-658-7353 x 129

PDG Contact


Maria Hassel, Director of Community Services

Primary Contact

Community Child Care Council (4Cs)

Renee Herzfeld | 510-584-3123


Kelly O'Lague Dulka | 925-980-2468

PDG Contact

Community Child Care Council (4Cs)

Celia Goetz | 510-584-3119


Vanessa Dilks | 925-595-5177

Primary Contact

Community Resources for Children

Erika Lubensky | 707-253-0376 x 102

PDG Contact

Community Resources for Children

Lindi Gallagher

Primary Contact

Solano Family & Children's Services

Cinda Rae-Clemente | 707-864-4620

PDG Contact

Solano Family & Children's Services

Cinda Rae-Clemente | 707-864-4620

Primary Contact

Marin Child Care Council

Aideen Gaidmore | 415-203-2171

PDG Contact

Marin Child Care Council

Jody Stamps | 415-491-5779

Primary Contact

Coco Kids

John Jones | 925-265-6473

PDG Contact

Coco Kids

John Jones | 925-265-6473

Primary Contact

Children's Council

Gina Fromer | 415-276-4900

Wu Yee Children's Services

Mechele Pruitt | 415-407-2888

PDG Contact

Children's Council

Jessica Boehme-Flores | 415-276-2900

Wu Yee Children's Services

Claudia Arrospide

Primary Contact

Child Care Coordinating Council (4Cs) of San Mateo

David Fleishman | 650-517-1400

PDG Contact

Child Care Coordinating Council (4Cs) of San Mateo

Gladys Reyes | 650-517-1400

Lead Agency

Executive Director

Go Kids, Inc

Kendra Bobsin

PDG Contact

Go Kids, Inc

Maria Granados, Executive Assistant

Primary Contact

Child Development Resource Center

Christina Valentin | 831-466-5820

PDG Contact

Child Development Resource Center

Christina Valentin | 831-466-5820

Primary Contact

Santa Clara Office of Education

Michael Garcia | 408-453-6649

PDG Contact

Santa Clara Office of Education

Michael Garcia | 408-453-6649

Primary Contact

Mexican American Opportunity Foundation

Vicky Santos | 323-278-3687

PDG Contact

Mexican American Opportunity Foundation

Maria Ortiz | 831-757-0775

Lead Agency

Executive Director

Family Resource & Referral Center  

Kay Ruhstaller | 209-461-2996

PDG Contact

Family Resource & Referral Center  

Tiffany Phofvixay, Chief Operations Officer

Primary Contact

The Resource Connection

Sheri Noble | 209-754-1075

PDG Contact

The Resource Connection

Sheri Noble | 209-754-1075

Primary Contact

The Resource Connection

Sheri Noble | 209-754-1075

PDG Contact

The Resource Connection

Sheri Noble | 209-754-1075

Primary Contact

Stanislaus County Office of Education

Lisa Henry | 209-238-6400

Stanislaus County Community Services Agency


PDG Contact

Stanislaus County Office of Education

Lety Cardenas | 209-238-6400

Stanislaus County Community Services Agency


Primary Contact

Infant/Child Enrichment Services, Inc.

Chris Mackenzie | 209-533-0377

PDG Contact

Infant/Child Enrichment Services, Inc

Suzan Greenwood | 209-425-0725

Lead Agency

Executive Director


Rosa Barragan | 209-261-0205

PDG Contact


Carolina Sutherland

Lorena Briano-Burrola

Primary Contact

Infant/Child Enrichment Services, Inc.  

Chris Mackenzie | 209-533-0377

PDG Contact

Infant/Child Enrichment Services, Inc.   

Janae Gowen | 209-966-4474

Primary Contact

Community Action Partnership of Madera County

Leticia Murillo | 559-675-5733

PDG Contact

Community Action Partnership of Madera County

Melissa Mendoza | 559-675-5741

Primary Contact

Central Valley Children's Services Network

Marco Jimenez | 559-256-0972

PDG Contact

Central Valley Children's Services Network

Andrea Cervantes | 559-456-8195

Primary Contact

Tulare County Office of Education Resource and Referral Services

Alex Elliott | 559-651-3022

PDG Contact

Tulare County Office of Education Resource and Referral Services

Elvira Barron | 559-651-0185

Primary Contact

Kings Community Action Org., Inc.

Jeff Garner | 559-415-7201

PDG Contact

Kings Community Action Org., Inc.

Ruth Rodriguez | 559-415-7220

Lead Agency

Executive Director

Child Development Resources of Ventura County, Inc.  
Jack Hinojosa | 805-485-7878 x 1358

PDG Contact

Child Development Resources of Ventura County, Inc.  
Lisette Warth, Child Care Services Manager

Primary Contact

Child Care Resource Connection 

Shana Paulson | 805-541-2272

PDG Contact

Child Care Resource Connection  

Shana Paulson | 805-541-2272

Primary Contact

Children’s R&R

Michelle Graham | 805-925-6701

PDG Contact

Children’s R&R

Michelle Graham | 805-925-7071

Primary Contact

Kern County Superintendent of Schools

Ludie Montoya | 661-861-5252

Community Connection for Child Care


PDG Contact

Kern County Superintendent of Schools

Cheryl Nelson, DPA | 661-861-5311

Community Connection for Child Care


Lead Agency

Executive Director

YMCA Child Care Resource Service

Kim McDougal | 619-521-3055 x 2517

PDG Contact

YMCA Child Care Resource Service

Christie Yorty, Social Services Program Director

Aimee Zeitz

Primary Contact

Children’s Home Society of California 

Diane Jasso | 714-712-7806

PDG Contact

Children’s Home Society of California  

Diana Torres | 714-712-7871

Primary Contact

Imperial County Office of Education - Early Care & Education Programs

Michael Castillo | 760-312-6432

PDG Contact

Imperial County Office of Education - Early Care & Education Programs

Vivian Yacopi | 760-312-6604

Lead Agency

Executive Director

Child Care Resource Center

Michael Olenick

PDG Contact

Child Care Resource Center

Eileen Friscia, R&R Director

James Moses

Primary Contact

Mono County Office of Education

Courtney Walsh | 760-934-0031

PDG Contact

Mono County Office of Education

Courtney Walsh | 760-934-0031

Primary Contact

Inyo County Office of Education

Kat Duncan
760-873-5123 ext. 2152

PDG Contact

Inyo County Office of Education

Kat Duncan
760-873-5123 ext. 2152

Primary Contact

Riverside County Office of Education - Children and Family Services

JoAnne Lauer | 951-826-6627

PDG Contact

Riverside County Office of Education - Children and Family Services

Jill Johnson | 951-826-6626

Lead Agency

Executive Director

Child Care Alliance of Los Angeles

Cristina Alvarado

PDG Contact

Child Care Alliance of Los Angeles

Cristina Alvarado

Child Care Resource Center
20001 Prairie Street, Chatsworth, CA 91311 | 818-717-1000

Primary Contact

Eileen Friscia | 818-717-1092

Secondary Contact

Michael Olenick | 818-717-1011

R&R Contact

Jerri Stewart | 866-674-5437

Children's Home Society of California
1300 W Fourth Street, Los Angeles, CA 90017 | 714-834-4959

Primary Contact

Diane Jasso | 714-712-7806

Secondary Contact

Sandra Herrera-Gonzalez | 562-608-2436

R&R Contact

Joellle Landazabal | 866-674-5437

PDG Contact

Maribel Gonzalez | 562-256-7499

Connections for Children
2701 Ocean Park Boulevard, Suite 253, Santa Monica, CA 90405 | 310-452-3734

Primary Contact

Jennifer Cowan | 310-452-3325 x201

Secondary Contact

Chante Bernard | 310-452-3325 x203

R&R Contact

Sonia Madix | 310-452-3325 x225

PDG Contact

Christine Tafoya

Crystal Stairs, Inc.

Primary Contact

Helen Acevez | 323-421-1337

Secondary Contact

Kendall Hirai | 323-421-1661

R&R Contact

Helen Acevez | 888-543-7247

PDG Contact

Stephanie De Anda | 323-421-1064

Mexican American Opportunity
401 North Garfield Avenue, Montebello, CA 90640 | 323-890-9600

Primary Contact

Martin Castro | 323-278-3600

R&R and PDG Contact

Soledad Viramontes | 323-313-1601

Options for Learning
13100 Brooks Drive, Suite 200, Baldwin Park, CA 91706 | 626-967-7848

Primary Contact

Paul Pulver | 626-967-7848

Secondary Contact

Kelly O'Connell | 626-856-5900

R&R Contact

Kim Schaaf | 626-856-5900

PDG Contact

Kenya Ruiz-Grande | 626-449-8221 x504

3550 W. Sixth Street, Suite 500, Los Angeles, CA 90020 | 213-427-2700

Primary Contact

Sally Valenzuela | 213-427-2740

Secondary Contact

Araceli Quintero | 213-427-2777

R&R Contact

Mary Silva | 213-427-2710

PDG Contact

Teri Morales | 213-427-2709

Pomona USD
1460 E. Holt Avenue, Suite 130, Pomona, CA 91767 | 909-397-4740

Primary Contact

Luis Valadez | 909-397-4740

Secondary Contact

Christina Acosta | 909-397-4740

R&R and PDG Contact

Luis Valadez | 909-397-4740

City of Norwalk
11929 E. Alondra Boulevard, Norwalk, CA 90650 | 562-929-5544

Drew Child Development Corporation
1770 E 118th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90059 | 323-249-2950



This session is just what I needed. My mom just passed away 10 days ago and it’s been really hard. I am looking for family therapy right now. But talking to everyone today and just connecting with other people was really good for me. Thank you.

– Sonoma County Parent


Really felt a sense of community. It was nice to not feel alone and to get ideas on so many things. It was a wonderful experience. Very heart and eye opening.

– San Bernardino County Parent


Today I remembered that I am not alone in regards to parenting during these difficult and stressful times. It was a huge sigh of relief remembering we are in this together.

– Humboldt County Parent


We’re all doing okay. We’re all doing our best. We are valuable and worthy of being taken care of and thought of as highly as we treat and think about others. We need to prioritize self-care.

– Contra Costa County Parent


Me and my family wanted to thank you so much for the gift cards this means a lot for us specially at this time. Covid impacted us drastically. My husband lost his job because of budget cuts during the pandemic and my hours got cut by 20 hours, so I am not even working part time and kids are home. Times and money are very tough right now, so we thank you so much for the experience and gift cards.

– Sonoma County Parent


I have learned so much about TK just by attending these two sessions. More than I ever did during the entire time my child was in TK. I didn’t know there was a chart to break down ages. I didn’t know that I had other choices and TK wasn’t required. I really appreciate all the information you (CCRC) share with us. I wish this was here back then.

– Sacramento Parent


I am grateful for the Cafés and group sessions like this feedback session because I can’t talk about these things with my family. We don’t have the same beliefs on mental health or raising children. So sometimes you don’t know who to talk to or where to go. So it's nice meeting other parents with the same experiences or beliefs.

– Los Angeles Parent


It is truly a blessing to have agencies such as Pathways and CCRC, the tremendous amount of help I have received for my family and I, really means a lot to me and am so grateful I know about these resources. Ever since I put my name on the list, I get all kinds of emails telling me about upcoming events and I love it.

– Pathway's LA Parent


I did not know that there are other agencies like Pathways, I didn’t even know about Pathways until St. Ann’s shared about them and what they do. Both agencies have really helped my family get back on our feet. The housing, child care and just all-around kindness.

– St. Ann's Parent


I am so grateful to be here today. It is my first café and it feels good to know I am not the only person going through hard times.

– St. Ann's Parent

CCRC Staff Functional Directory

Michael Olenick, Ph.D.

President & CEO

  • Leader of PDG-R

Donna Sneeringer

Chief Strategy Officer

  • Statewide Liaison, Coalition Building & Messaging

Susan Savage

Director, Research

  • Parent Café Evaluation Oversight
  • Parent Feedback Session Development, Evaluation & Oversight

Susan Montalvo

Director, Communications

  • Communications Planning & Development
  • Parent Feedback Session Development& Oversight
  • Parent Testimonial Development & Distribution

Eileen Friscia

Director, Resource & Referral

  • Parent Café Oversight